Tess Erngren

Tess Erngren

Certified Dog Instructor, Animal Behaviourist, Dog Philosopher and TAGteacher.
MA: Environmental Psychology
BA: Applied Psychology
Founder of GoodDog, Oslo in 2006.

Tess is from Sweden and have all her life worked with people and animals. After many years working around the world she founded GoodDog in Oslo, with the main focus on helping improve the relationship between dogs and their care takers. When working with socialising wolves she developed a special interest in the complex communication skills of canines, and this has proven a useful experience working with shelter dogs and other complex cases of dogs in need. With a Msc in Environmental Psychology and a certified as TAGteacher Tess also works with helping people, specialising in wilderness therapy, fear of dogs and social anxiety. The combination of these two worlds has led Tess to also work with Animal Assisted Interventions.

The family consists of rehomed Alaskan Malamute boy Bubba Erngren and Siberian Husky girl Lilith Erngren. They come with Tess everywhere, and their favourite thing to do is ski-joring in the high mountains.

As founder of GoodDog Tess works mainly with:
GoodDog Academy – educating instructors and behaviourists
GoodDog Therapy – educating therapy dog handlers and coaching people working with dogs
GoodDog Lectures – travelling around Europe teaching behaviour modification for all animals, human and non human.

Tess’s motto is: «Behaviour is all and all is behaviour.» 

Education and experience:

Research project: Can Animal Assisted Interventions and TAGteach help young adults with social anxiety? – Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Education: Philosophy A – Umeå Universitet
Conference: Animals Ethics – Veterinærinstituttet, Norge.
Education: Evolution and Human Behaviour – Universitetet i Skövde
Volunteer: Dyrebeskyttelsen – DOOA
Conference: Nordic ABC, Hundevennelig Verden, Iceland
Ongoing education: Masters Program: Environmental Psychology – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 
Webinar series: Constructional Approach for Animal Trainers – Canis Clickertraining Academy
Directorship: PROhund – Profesjonelles Organisasjon for Hund
Presenter: «Choice & Control in Animal Assisted Interventions» – IAHAIO
Volunteer: Foreningen for Omplassering av Dyr (FOD Shelter), Norway

Award: 2021 Change Makers Medal of Honor
Virtual conference: Cooperative Care Conference 2021 – Zoospencefull
Presenter: «Choice & Control in Animal Assisted Interventions» – IAHAIO
Diploma: Psychotherapy Dog (AAP) – Animal Assisted Therapy Programs, USA
Diploma: Therapy Dog (AAT) – Svenska Terapihundskolan, Sweden
Diplom: Visiting Dog (AAA) – Svenska Terapihundskolan, Sweden
Virtual conference: Geek Week – The Pet Professional Guild
Virtual conference: Conference on Animal Rights in Europe –  CARE 2021
Virtual conference: The Convergence of Animal & Human Training and Technology – ChattCON 2021
Founder: PROhund – Profesjonelles Organisasjon for Hund, Norway
Certification: Fear Free Certified Shelter Staff – Dr. Marty Becker
Volunteer: Medarbeider SnakkLitt – HelseSista & Kirkens SOS, Norway
Certification: TAGteach Level 3 – TAGteach International
Diploma: Dog Philosopher Advanced – K.Malm, Sweden
Directorship: Foreningen for Omplassering av Dyr (FOD Shelter), Norway
Presenter: «TAGteach as a tool in exposure therapy» – Norsk Atferdsanalytisk Forening (NAFO), Norway

Certification: TAGteach Level 2 – TAGteach International
Diploma: Dog Philosopher – K.Malm, Sweden
Volunteer: Medarbeider SnakkLitt – HelseSista & KirkensSOS
Virtual conference: Nordic Animal Behaviour Conference – Hundevennlig Verden
Virtual conference: Nature & Health Online Symposium – AABAT Inc. Australia
Directorship: Styreleder Foreningen for Omplassering av Dyr (FOD)

Presenter: «TAGteach as a tool in exposure therapy» – TAGteach International, Schweiz
Directorship: Styreleder Foreningen for Omplassering av Dyr (FOD)
Workshop: Trygg og sikker i fjellet, fordypning i kart og kompass – DNT, Norway
Workshop: Førstehjelpskurs i fjellmedisin – DNT, Norway
Workshop: Hundemassasje – Nordisk Hundemassasjeskole, Norway
Diploma: Barnhunt trainer- Anita Holm, Norway
Presenter: «TAGteach as a tool in exposure therapy» – Choice Control Communication 2019, Sverige
Seminar: WOOF! – Domesticated Manners, Nottingham

Diploma: Bachelor Applied Psychology – Bjørknes Høyskole, Norway
Workshop: Førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare – VIVAT, Norway
Volunteer: Medarbeider Krisetelefon – Kirkens SOS, Norway
Course: Førstehjelp for Hund, Mjøsa Dyreklinikk, Norway
Course: TAGteach Level 2 – Theresa McKeon, Eva Bertilsson, Luca Canever, Sweden
Diplom: Turleder nivå 1-2 – DNT
Seminar: Camp Conferanse Outdoor Therapy – Bragdøya, Norway
Presenter: «TAGteach as a tool in exposure therapy» – Choice Control Communication 2018, Sweden

Volunteer: Medarbeider Krisetelefon – Kirkens SOS, Norway
Certification: Fear Free Certified Professional – Dr. Marty Becker
Workshop: Animals in Control, Eva Bertilsson – GoodDog Academy, Norway
Workshop: Motivational Interviewing, Anders Wiberg – GoodDog Academy, Norway

Volunteer: Medarbeider Krisetelefon – Kirkens SOS
Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo – Legoland, Denmark
Seminar: Functional Assessment and Analysis, Susan Friedman – Hundevennlig Verden, Denmark
Workshop: Communication, Anders Wiberg – Vridmoment, Sverige

Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo – Portland, USA
Seminar: Behaviour and Cognition, Clive Wynne – Carpe Momentum, Sweden
Seminar: TAGteach International World Summit – Verona, Italy
Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo Europe – Birmingham, UK
Webinar: Sparcs 2015 – Clive Wynne, Ray Coppinger m.fl.
Diploma: NoseWork Instruktør, Anita Holm – Catch
Certificate of Excellence: Living and Learning with Animals, Susan Friedman – Behaviour Works

Certificate: TAGteach Level 1, TAGteach International
Seminar: Understanding, Managing & Modifying Problem Behaviour, Chiraq Patel – Hund i Fokus
Seminar: Motiverad Djurträning – Svenska Akademiska Etologer – Nordens Ark
Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo – Manchester, UK
Seminar: Living and Learning with Animals, Susan Friedman – Carpe Momentum
Webinar: Sparcs 2014 – Clive Wynn, Ray Coppinger m.fl.
Webinar: Animal Behaviour – University of Melbourne
Seminar: Fear Free Animal Training, Barbara Heidendreich – Skansen
Seminar: Science of Consequence, Susan Schneider – Carpe Momentum
Seminar: Spårhunden och lukterna, Tobias Gustavsson – Antrozoologisenteret
Seminar: Från Belöning til Belöning, Eva Bertilsson – GoodDog Academy
Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo – Long Beach, USA

Seminar: Adventure Dog Conference – Hundutbildningsgruppen
Seminar: Zoo Animal Welfare – Kolmården
Webinar: Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence – Case Western Reserve University
Seminar: Kathy Sdao – Carpe Momentum
Webinar: Social Psychology – Wesleyan University
Workshop: Chicken Camp and TAGteach, Terry Ryan og Theresa McKeon – Italy
Diploma: Blodspårsinstruktør – Hundens Utbildningsakademi
Webinar: Sparcs 2013, Marc Bekoff, Ray Coppinger m.fl.
Seminar: Sophia Yin – Hund i Fokus
Seminar: Hundens Språk och Tankar, Per Jensen – GoodDog Academy
Webinar: Kognisjon og bevissthet hos hund, Gry Løberg – Manimal
Diploma: Hundeinstruktør – Hundens Utbildningsakademi
Webinar: Sosial organisering og dominans, Gry Løberg – Manimal
Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo – San Francisco, USA

Seminar: EAZA Academy Animal Training – Copenhagen Zoo
Webinar: Kastrering, Gry Løberg – Manimal.
Seminar: Fordypingsdag Instruktør, Anders Hallgren – GoodDog Academy
Seminar: Alphasyndromet, Anders Hallgren – GoodDog Academy
Seminar: Anders Hallgren, Stress, Angst og Aggresjon – GoodDog Academy
Seminar: Etologihelg Hund & Varg, Lars Fält – Langedrag
Seminar: Advanced Animal Training & Consulting, Ken Ramirez – Tyskland
Seminar: Behavior Adjustment Training, Grischa Stewart – Hund i Fokus

Seminar: Animal Training, Ken Ramirez – Nordens Ark
Seminar: Derfor biter hunden, Turid Rugaas – Hundetrenerskolen
Seminar: Kontaktkontraktet, Eva Bodfält – GoodDog Academy
Seminar: Motor & Motivation, Anders Hallgren – NKK
Seminar: Karen Pryor Clicker Expo – Newport Beach, USA
Seminar: Using Applied Behavior Analysis, Bob Bailey, Parvene Farhoody
Diploma: Rallymix Instruktør – Hundens Utbildnings Akademi

Diploma: Testleder HMT Førerkort – Hundens Utbildnings Akademi
Seminar: Control Unleashed, Leslie McDevitt – Hund i Fokus
Lisens: Läsa Hund, Renée Sjöberg – Hundens Hus
Konferanse: Hund og Samfunn – NKK
Seminar: Hundens Psykologi, Anders Hallgren – NKK

Seminar: Din hund er en ulv, hvem er du?, Runar Næss – GoodDog Academy
Seminar: Kommunikasjon via hund, Ingeborg Höök – NKK
Conferanse: Hund & Velferd – NKK
Socialisation Project: Brown Bear – Polar Zoo, Norway

Diplom:a Kantarellsøks Instruktør – Hundens Hus
Diploma: Rallylydighet Instruktør – Hundens Hus
Socialisation Project: Gray Wolf – Polar Zoo, Norway

Diploma: Dog behaviourist – Hundens Hus

Diplom: Dog Instructor – Hundens Hus
Founder: GoodDog Academy

Co-Founder: PAP Accessories – Sweden

2003 – 2005
Co-Founder: Incomin’ Events – Monaco

Diploma: Årsenhet Bedriftsøkonomi – Stockholms Universitet

Diverse: lived and worked within restaurant business, extreme sports and fitness in USA, Canada, New Zealand, Caribbean, France, Monaco, Norway and Sweden.

Diploma: Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet, Naturvetenskaplig linje

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