GoodDog Lectures

GoodDog Lectures

Tess lives out of her RV and travels around Scandinavia in the summer season and Europe in the winter season. That means it's a big chance I can come to your school to give a lecture and/or a workshop without the travel expenses being all that high! Lectures can be combined and workshops added to suit your specific preferences. Prices are suggestions and adaptable depending on the economy of your country, or if you run a non-profit organisation. Lectures are given in English, Swedish and Norwegian. All lectures are of course also available online.

Tess founded GoodDog in Norway in 2006 and has since worked full time as a dog behaviourist specialising in shelter dogs, TAGteach and Choice & Control. Read more about Tess Erngren here!

Online per hour: 200 euro or 20 euro/person if more than 10 participants.
Real life half day (3 hours): 600 euro
Real life full day (6 hours): 1000 euro
Real life weekend (12 hours): 1800 euro
Plus travel expenses.
Send an email to and we will figure out the perfect solution for you!

Using TAGteach when working with humans afraid of for example dogs or spiders is just as efficient as clicker training any other animal. Learn everything you need to think about when planning, training and adapting to the individual need of the client from this talk.
In the workshop we make training plans together and train each other to get ta practical skills needed.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 3 hours

A dog whom has control over his life has a better life! Being allowed to choose between situations and control your own consequences is proven to lower stress and increases life quality. In this lecture, we talk about how you can easily implement "Choice & Control" for your dog in everyday life, how to teach him to answer "Yes" or "No" to questions, and how to show you what he wants and needs. Be your dog's beste friend and give him a voice!

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 3 hours

To understand your dog well, we learn a lot from watching the wolf. The wolf is the dog's predecessor, and our dogs have retained some of the instincts, needs and language of the wolf era. With the help of photos and videos from the wolves that Tess Erngren herself studied and lived with during socialisation projects at Polar Park we look at the similarities and what they mean, and the differences and how they can create problems for the dog. You will learn to look at your dog as the wolf it actually is, and the dog you need to understand.
In the workshop we study our own dogs in meetings with others and practice observing and understanding them correctly.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 2-3 hours

For you who already have some basic knowledge of the dog's language (for example have already listened to the Wolf's language, the Dog's dialects) and now want to immerse yourself further into the dog's complex and fascinating communication skills. We go into detail in research on the dog's communication and how you can better listen to what your dog is telling you and others. You learn how to support your dog in unsafe situations, as well as anticipate and prevent unwanted behaviour. You will learn to communicate with your dog with a whole new understanding!
In the workshop we study our own dogs in meetings with others and practice observing and understanding them correctly.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 2-3 hours

This lecture is about the relationship between dog and human and what drives the dog's behaviour and needs. We clear up misunderstood concepts such as leadership, dominance and hierarchy, we dispel myths such as "you're the boss" and "the dog is a wolf", and we talk about how you in a positive way become your dog's best friend.

Lecture: 3 hours

Everything you need to know to welcome your puppy into his new home. We talk about puppy development, the crucial socialisation and how to do it safely, modern training techniques, puppy language, needs and nutrition, biting, home alone training and much more! Everything you need to create the perfect start in your life together as best friends!
In the workshop we practice good socialisation with other dogs, puppies and humans.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 2-3 hours

Training with smiles and wagging tails!

In this lecture we learn about positive reinforcement, what it really means and how it works. Why it works better than other training methods, and how to become the optimal, modern trainer. We learn about learning theory, the difference between different training methods, advantages of positive reinforcement and disadvantages of using punishment. You will also learn how to use positive reinforcement on your family, colleagues - and yourself!

Everything you need to know to train in a reward based and effective way, in addition to having a more rewarding life!

Lecture: 3 hours

In order for your dog to live the best of lives, all her needs must be met. Physical, cognitive, emotional, nutritional and individual needs. If you do not know what your dog needs, or how to meet these needs, then the risk of unwanted behaviour increases. Which results in unhappy dogs and unhappy parents. Prevent this by learning everything you need to know how to be your dog's beste friend!

Lecture: 3 hours

In this lecture you will learn about why it is so important for your dog to play, both with other dogs and with you. But what does good play look like? With videos and simple explanations you will learn everything you need to know to ensure that your dog gets the best and safest play possible.
The lecture covers:
The function of play, the effect of play, different ways of playing, individual needs, how to facilitate and keep the game good.

In the workshop we will observe your dog play with others dog, observe and make sure the play is optimal.

Lecture: 2 hours
Workshop: 2-3 hours

The most common "problem behaviour" we work with here at GoodDog is dog-dog aggression. We expect our dogs to cope with meeting loads of unfamiliar dogs on walks as they are confined by being attached to a lead. This often leads to communication difficulties, both between the dogs, and with you.

If you have a dog that has developed frustration or aggression towards other dogs, or if you want to prevent it from happening - come to this lecture!

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 3 hours

One of the most important things our dogs need to learn but often is the last thing they are trained to learn is to enjoy being handled.  Wearing a harness, cutting claws, brushing fur, going to the vet and groomer often involves coercion, discomfort and extreme stress for many dogs, which is completely unnecessary. With good training, where the dog himself is in control, it's no more difficult to train your dog to find handling just as fun as training tricks! In this lecture you will get theoretical understanding and practical tips to get started with handling your dog will loves!
In the workshop you will learn how to start the training using choice & control.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 3 hours

For all of us who go for long walks with our dog, often far from the veterinarian and help from others, it is of the utmost importance that we know what to do if an accident happens. In this lecture you will learn what you need to include in your First Aid package, how to best use the equipment and how to best help your dog in the most common accidents.
In the workshop we train behaviours that helps you and your dog to receive first aid if needed.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 3 hours

Do you want to learn all about the latest research on your dog's cognitive and emotional functions? There are more and more exciting studies being published making us understand better and better how the dog's psyche works. How much does your dog really understand from what you say, how complex emotions can he experience, and what drives his desires and needs? In this lecture, you get an insight into your dog's head, and come out with great admiration for his abilities.

Lecture: 3 hours

Why do we treat our dogs the way we do? How come we think we have to boss them around, command and control them, that humans are superior and the dog subordinate? Where do these ideas come from and what can we do to change this outdated view of dogs, and animals in general? These questions we discuss in depth and perhaps find some answers to, in this thought provoking lecture.

Lecture: 3 hours

Having more than one dog is very positive for most dogs but there are many things to think about to prevent conflicts from occurring. To learn more about this, and how to optimize a home with multiple dogs, listen to this talk!

Lecture: 3 hours

To be able to run a good business you need to know how to handle stress and uncertainty well. You need to know how to organise your day, how to work efficiently and what to delegate. In order to create the necessary energy and creativity for this you need to ensure good self care. What does this mean for you and your business? Let me help you find out in this lecture!

Lecture: 3 hours

Shelter dogs have special needs as they often live under stressful conditions. This means staff and volunteers need to be extra careful to read stress signals, be capable of preventing dangerous situations and know how to best stimulate the dogs depending of individual needs and during stressful conditions. After many years experience from evaluating shelter dogs and educating shelter staff I love to share the experiences. Recommended to be combined with a lecture on Self care.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 2-3 hours
Free of charge for all non profit organisations.

Most shelters are have too many dogs and too little staff and recourses. Reducing stress and making the most out of the time spent with the dogs is therefore more important than anything. In this lecture we will define what different enrichments are, how to use them for reducing stress and to maximise stimulation.

Lecture: 3 hours
Workshop: 2-3 hours
Free of charge for all non profit organisations.

Choice & Control for the Social Working Dog

More info to come!

Animals and nature to strengthen mental health.

More info to come!

How to help your nervous system (and your dog) take life more calmly?

More info to come!

How the dog can help you become safer in all relationships.

More info to come!

How you yourself were treated as a child can affect how you treat your dog.

More info to come!

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